• Question: Do animals have feelings?

    Asked by LILYYY to David, Dawn, Sian on 23 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: David Robertson

      David Robertson answered on 23 Jun 2016:

      I’m not an expert on animals, and I’m not sure how to define feelings in a measurable way, but I’ve certainly seen some animals that I’ve thought were happy or sad. However even when I’ve asked the animals how they are feeling I’ve never understood the answer.

    • Photo: Dawn Lau

      Dawn Lau answered on 23 Jun 2016:

      How would you define a feeling? I would say animals probably have some feelings such as fear. Fear is useful for animals to avoid dangerous situations. I would guess that if animals did have any other feelings, if they weren’t useful to the survival of the species then they would have not been passed down. There is only observational evidence to suggest that animals, particularly more complex ones such as primates, have feelings of empathy and attachment.

      Like David said, it is very difficult to ask how an animal is feeling, so it’s pretty hard to give a conclusive answer!

    • Photo: Sian Thomas

      Sian Thomas answered on 26 Jun 2016:

      I have no idea. But I think that they must – or why would dogs and cats keep coming back?
