• Question: do you know how the world is going to end and ruffley how many years

    Asked by katie to Christie, Dan, David, Dawn, Sian on 16 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Dawn Lau

      Dawn Lau answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      Our planet will be destroyed when our sun dies. The sun is a star, and stars have a life cycle too. When the sun dies, we will not have the correct atmosphere on Earth to survive.

      Our sun is expected to survive for another five billion years, though, so anything could happen to the human race before the sun goes out!

    • Photo: Sian Thomas

      Sian Thomas answered on 18 Jun 2016:

      I guess we don’t need to worry then – great answer Dawn!

    • Photo: David Robertson

      David Robertson answered on 19 Jun 2016:

      Dawn has the right answer, unless humanity manages to kill itself off before the 5 billion years is up.
