• Question: is their anything hotter then the sun

    Asked by Nova to Christie, Dan, David, Dawn, Sian on 16 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Dawn Lau

      Dawn Lau answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      There are other stars in space which are much hotter than the temperature of the sun. Even on our planet, we have achieved temperatures hotter than the sun in particle accelators (e.g. the Large Hadron Collider). These temperatures are generated when the particles smash together at incredibly high speeds, simulating the Big Bang.

    • Photo: Christie Waddington

      Christie Waddington answered on 19 Jun 2016:

      There was an article published earlier this year that said a group in China had heated plasma (special type of charged gas) to a temperature of 49.9million oC in a nuclear reactor, which they believe is 3 times hotter than the core of the sun!! They are not the first to do so, but they did it for the longest!

      Our sun is considered to be an “average hot star” so many stars in space are hotter. The hottest/brightest stars we know about are called the Wolf-Reyet stars.

    • Photo: Sian Thomas

      Sian Thomas answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Looks like the other ladies in the competition have done a good job on this one. Thanks both and nothing to add.
