• Question: what are your hopes in the future to do with science ?

    Asked by kevwe E to Christie, Dan, David, Dawn, Sian on 15 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Sian Thomas

      Sian Thomas answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      I hope that we solve some of today’s food questions and that we manage to re-engage people with the food system. There is lots of evidence that the planet cannot sustain the current consumption (levels and patterns). And this will be made worse by global warning. It is a big challenge that science has a role in solving.

    • Photo: Dawn Lau

      Dawn Lau answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      I hope one day we will find a treatment for some of the terrible neurodegenerative diseases. Dementia doesn’t just affect the individual, but it has far-flung effects on the patient’s families and loved ones. By the year 2051 it is estimated that 2 million people will have dementia in the UK. Current statistics say that one person is diagnosed with dementia every 3 minutes. This has a huge burden, both socially and economically, on our society. If we have treatment that can delay the start of dementia symptoms by just 5 years, we could save 30,000 lives a year! I hope in the future we can reach that goal, if not more.

    • Photo: Christie Waddington

      Christie Waddington answered on 19 Jun 2016:

      Personally or in general?
      Personally, I hope to be working either in research focusing on diagnosing genetic diseases, or working for a company that researches or manufactures drugs. I am still not sure if I want to work in academia or industry after my PhD, but I certainly want to help people!

      In general, I hope we get to a point in science that we understand enough about the human body that we can treat most genetic diseases. There are some great techniques being researched that could eliminate faulty genes and replace them with healthy genes. We do have to be careful though, because how far do you take medicine? If we treat everything, then people could live forever! Would that be right? I’m not so sure.
