• Question: What do you think the future will be like

    Asked by Nova to Christie, Dan, David, Dawn, Sian on 15 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Sian Thomas

      Sian Thomas answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      Current evidence suggests that we will have to change our diet. It is unlikely that as a planet we will be able to sustain the current increases in meat consumption that are currently occurring. This means that we will need to eat more protein from other sources – perhaps insects of pulses.

      New foods have been introduced and have become mainstream. Early in my career I worked on Quorn – when it was new, but now it is seen as every-day food.

    • Photo: Dawn Lau

      Dawn Lau answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      If we don’t change our habits, then our future looks a bit scary. I am worried about the impact we have on climate change and how we are destroying the environment. We have made huge progress in defeating cancer, but now we face another battle: the diseases of the old age. That’s why I carry out the research I do now!

      I hope our generation, and the generations that come after us, will find a solution to these issues.
